When Bob Esquerre announced his retirement from Consulting at the IHRSA 2010 Conference in San Diego, he said “I Am Done”! However, he kept training Clients as a Personal Trainer, teaching GroupEX Classes and Coaching both Small & Large Group Training Sessions until 2017. This should have been a hint that “He Was Not Done”! COVID Came! Our Industry was classified as Non-Essential! Now Bob-Is-Back…To Continue Where He Left….Making Our Industry Essential.
Bob’s career is unique because he came into the Fitness Industry, at the bottom-as an Aerobics Instructor, after 13 years of Management, Project Management & Operations Management Training in the business world. When he semi-retired, Bob was both nationally & internationally recognized as a Business Planning Consultant, a Fitness Director, an Operations Director, Educator, Author, Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. As the CEO of the Esquerre Fitness Group International, was an active participant in both the national & international lecture circuits as a sought after speaker in the following areas:
- Customer Recruitment, On-Boarding & Customer Retention
- Fitness Programming
- Personal & Small/Large Group Training
- Wellness & Health Programming (Active & In-Active Aging Customers)
- Community Outreach Programming
- Professional Development: Club/Studio Managers
- Professional Development: Fitness Professionals
- Professional Development: Club/Studio Managers/Owners