Learn from award-winning presenters, Inc. 500 entrepreneurs, and best-selling authors. Our speakers are highly sought out for their incredible fitness industry insight!


We spoke with Dave in preparation for his SUCCEED! 2020 and SUCCEED! Online sessions. In this video, Dave shared his thoughts on some typical ideas about online training, and what is the key value differentiation to a good online training program.
We are very excited to feature Michael Romig for this Community Spotlight. Michael has been at the helm of two successful fitness studios over the last 11 years and focuses on making a difference for his local community, offering personal and group training.
Living in a world connected 24/7 by digital devices has changed the way we sell memberships and services and interact with potential and active customers. It’s even transformed how we communicate with fitness studio members, respond to prospect inquiries and handle complaints. As a result, your members’ expectations have changed. They anticipate rapid, often instantaneous, results and feedback. And this applies to online and offline communication.
For many fitness professionals and studio owners, hitting the seven-figure mark is a big goal. It was for me too. However, there are some misconceptions about what it means to be a seven-figure studio owner. Growing and scaling your fitness business to seven figures is exciting. But growth brings new business challenges, forcing you to grow both personally and professionally, as well.
Entrepreneurship is the engine for every small business—fitness studio ownership included. Entrepreneurs pursue their dreams, confident that dreams will become reality. One quote from an unknown author says, “Dreams are like stars, you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.”
Planning to grow a fitness business often results in a to-do list a mile long—sometimes that list becomes a block, preventing entrepreneurs from earning more, doing more or dreaming bigger. Instead of allowing the tasks to pile up and paralyze you, take a minute to review and implement a simple 1-2-3 process for progressing forward.
Most fitness studio owners know that social media is a necessary part of any fitness business marketing plan. But it can also be a major time-waster in both obvious and subtle ways. Here are five things you might need to stop doing now on social media for improved productivity and results.
As a studio owner, you’re probably always considering new and effective ways to market your fitness business. Finding and collaborating with key influencers in your community can help you make contact with new prospects—and it’s very time efficient!
Are you a trainer or coach who is struggling with the grind of working split shifts, living paycheck to paycheck, and not having control of your time?  If you are, I am here to tell you there is another option – you can own your own gym!
One of the few places where people regularly come together with a common purpose is in our fitness studios and gyms. In society, however, people report feeling disconnected from others.
